Issac Thorne

Last Updated January 9, 2022

Phenibut HCl vs FAA

Phenibut can be an incredibly useful supplement. But if you’ve done some reading, you may have noticed that there are actually two different kinds of phenibut: Phenibut HCl vs FAA.

The difference between Phenibut HCl and FAA comes down to a matter of chemistry. We won’t actually be covering too much of the chemistry itself in this article; it can be tough to follow and isn’t particularly important for the average user.

Instead, we’ll keep it as simple as possible for you, and help you decide whether phenibut HCl or phenibut FAA is the better choice for you.

Let’s dive right into it.

What is Phenibut HCl?

Phenibut HCl is the hydrochloric acid form of phenibut. This is the more common of the two types of phenibut. Most phenibut that you see for sale online will be phenibut HCl, unless it specifically advertised as phenibut FAA.

In chemistry terms, HCl is the fancy word for “salt.”

Intuitively, Phenibut HCl is therefore the salt form of phenibut.  This accounts for its crystalline appearance and its ability to dissolve easily in water.

Any given dose of phenibut HCl typically contains about 87% phenibut and about 13% HCl.

The pH level of Phenibut HCl is >3, making it quite acidic. Because of this and the unpleasant chemically bitter or sour phenibut taste, phenibut HCl is unsuitable for sublingual (under the tongue) use.

Aside from mixing easily into water or working well in capsule form, a major benefit of phenibut HCl is that it is the cheaper phenibut option.

What is Phenibut FAA?

Phenibut FAA is the “free amino acid” form of phenibut. This is the less common of the two types of phenibut.

Phenibut FAA is much closer to a neutral pH than phenibut HCl. This makes it safer for sublingual use, and so phenibut FAA might be an option to consider for users who prefer such a method.

However, phenibut FAA has a much powderier physical form than HCl. This makes it less suitable for mixing in water, or for taking as a capsule, as it tends to clump together and is less soluble.

Finally, phenibut FAA is also a bit more expensive than phenibut HCl.

So, Should I Buy Phenibut HCl or FAA?

While this completely boils down to your own personal preference, I can tell you that I personally prefer phenibut HCl over phenibut FAA.

Don’t get me wrong, I would just as happily use phenibut FAA if it’s all I had on hand. Both work, and both seem to be equally effective milligram for milligram. In fact, the numbers used in our phenibut dosage guide can be applied to either form.

However, there are a few reasons I prefer phenibut HCl.

Primarily, the price point. Phenibut HCl is the classic form of phenibut. It is more common and more popular than phenibut FAA, meaning it is produced on a larger scale. Since phenibut HCl is cheaper to make, it’s cheaper for customers to buy.

Second, the consumption method. I vastly prefer capsules over any other consumption method, just due to the convenience of them. If I don’t have capsules on hand, I don’t mind mixing phenibut in water (or juice if you don’t like the taste) and quickly drinking it down. Phenibut HCl is the form most suitable to these methods; I don’t personally prefer the sublingual method.

In conclusion, phenibut HCl and phenibut FAA are both equally effective in my experience. In my opinion, however, phenibut HCl is the superior method due to it being easier to find, cheaper to buy, and more convenient to use.


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